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Simple Tree View - Items

Pass data to your Tree View.

Basic usage

The items can be defined as JSX children of the SimpleTreeView component:

Press Enter to start editing

Item identifier

Each TreeItem must have a unique nodeId.

This identifier is used internally to identify the item in the various models and to track the item across updates.

  <TreeItem nodeId="tree-view-community" {...otherItemProps} />

Item label

You must pass a label prop to each TreeItem component:

  <TreeItem label="@mui/x-tree-view" {...otherItemProps} />

Disabled items

You can disable some of the items using the disabled prop on the TreeItem component:

  <TreeItem disabled {...otherItemProps} />

Interact with disabled items

The behavior of disabled tree items depends on the disabledItemsFocusable prop.

If it is false:

  • Arrow keys will not focus disabled items, and the next non-disabled item will be focused.
  • Typing the first character of a disabled item's label will not focus the item.
  • Mouse or keyboard interaction will not expand/collapse disabled items.
  • Mouse or keyboard interaction will not select disabled items.
  • Shift + arrow keys will skip disabled items, and the next non-disabled item will be selected.
  • Programmatic focus will not focus disabled items.

If it is true:

  • Arrow keys will focus disabled items.
  • Typing the first character of a disabled item's label will focus the item.
  • Mouse or keyboard interaction will not expand/collapse disabled items.
  • Mouse or keyboard interaction will not select disabled items.
  • Shift + arrow keys will not skip disabled items but, the disabled item will not be selected.
  • Programmatic focus will focus disabled items.


See the documentation below for a complete reference to all of the props and classes available to the components mentioned here.